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What is EsquireEmpire?

EsquireEmpire is a wiki site concerning Oklahoma legal issues and and law related directories. A wiki is a type of Web site that allows visitors to easily add, remove, or otherwise edit and change the available content. This ease of interaction and operation makes a wiki an effective tool for collaborative authoring. Therefore, EsquireEmpire is a collaboratively authored, dynamically edited, reference, resource, and guide for all issues concerning law in the State of Oklahoma.

EsquireEmpire Spaces/Communities


  • Oklahoma Law Students’ EsquireEmpire Space – is a private wiki for Oklahoma law students. This space allows law students to exchange outlines and provides insights on classes, professors, and the law school experience. If you are an Oklahoma law student, sign up and get involved. 
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The information and links contained on EsquireEmpire are provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. As EsquireEmpire is a wiki Web site that allows any visitor to edit content, EsquireEmpire does not and cannot verify the information contained herein. EsquireEmpire makes no endorsement of the validity of any information on the site and recommends that readers independently verify information with an attorney. EsquieEmpire further makes no endorsement of any attorney or other service that is listed in the EsquireEmpire directories. Lastly, EsquireEmpire expressly denies liability and undertakes no responsibility for the reliance on, or consequences of, using information or services found on EsquireEmpire.

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