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Arkansas Law Professor Reinstated as Ok Attorney

During the same day the Oklahoma Supreme Court took action against two troubled attorneys charged with felonies, the court reinstated the Oklahoma law license of an Arkansas law professor who had let her license lapse for several years.

Kimberly Flanery Coats had been been stricken from the roll of attorneys in 2003 for nonpayment of dues. In reinstating her license, the court noted that Coats had taught law at University of Arkansas between 1996 and 2011, and did not represent clients during that time.

Coats sought reinstatement into the Oklahoma Bar after she joined the San Francisco firm of Littler, Mendelson Inc. Court records indicate she plans to work in the firm’s northwest Arkansas office. She completed continuing legal education to meet requirements for 2012, and paid past-due amounts for 2003 and 2004 Bar Association dues. At the time she was stricken from the roll of attorneys, she had no disciplinary actions pending against her, the court noted.

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