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  • 10th Circuit Remands N.M. Unlawful-Arrest Case

    The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals has reversed a district court’s summary judgment against a man who filed a civil-rights complaint after he was arrested in Los Lunas, New Mexico for refusing to leave his home when ordered out by a police officer investigating a domestic argument. “Although the order to ‘step out of the Read More»

  • Innocent After Proven Guilty: 300 Exonerated Since 2006

    The Innocence Project compiled the following data based on six years of working to free those wrongfully convicted of crimes:

  • La. Death Row Inmate 300th Convict Freed by DNA Tests

    After nearly nine hours of interrogation in a Louisiana police station, Damon Thibodeaux had reasons to lie. Investigators who revisited the case a decade after he was convicted and sentenced to die by lethal injection said he was exhausted, psychologically vulnerable and frightened by the prospect of facing the death penalty when he falsely confessed Read More»

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